As a learner going through the program you have the option to be fully certified and receive a globally recognised qualification for Social Selling & Influence. Our program is recognised by the ISP as one that provides significant knowledge acquisition with real-life application providing significant and long-lasting benefits to the learner.

A well-known Gartner report shows that in the business to business space not only are buyers nearly 60% of the way though their buying journey before the seller knows they exist and during this research stage - BEFORE they reach-out or download a white paper - they are jumping to conclusions from what they see and read. These conclusions (right or wrong) might not be particularly favourable for the seller.

Alongside this concept of the “empowered & educated” buyer Gartner also acknowledges that the buying team now comprises typically 8-12 different people and they may all have their ‘preferred supplier”, prejudices and beliefs. This means that getting consensus in order to move forward has never been more difficult, in fact now only 30% of purchases even happen, the other 70% are simply lost to the status quo.

The art of social selling is to make the buyer jump to the conclusion that YOU want - that you are the “obvious” and most attractive supplier. Social selling will enable you to generate more conversations, more relationships and opportunities increasing the likelihood each will close.

In our experience each salesperson that uses our social selling techniques can expect to generate at least one additional opportunity per week over and above those who don’t.

So whether you need a social sales transformation, ongoing mentoring or some detailed help in maximising the benefits from tools you already have, we can probably help.